

Facilities and Staff

It’s Cool Language Center has modern learning facilities and qualified, experienced and motivated staff. This, combined with the most modern Portuguese teaching materials and methods, enable our students to get the maximum benefit from their Portuguese Program.

It’s Cool Language Center Teachers

Portuguese Language Program teachers are all highly qualified, professionally trained instructors who can bring out the best of their students. Many instructors have specific expertise in the areas of academic Brazilian Portuguese or other areas important to an innovative quality curriculum.

Care and Extra Services

We look after our students from the time they arrive in São Paulo to the time they depart and transfers to and from the respective airports are arranged by It’s Cool Language Center.

All students at It’s Cool Language Center are required to have medical insurance. We advise students to purchase medical insurance before leaving their home country, however you can also get a full insurance package from us, covering doctors fees, emergency dental care and medical expenses in case of accidents.


On the first day of your Portuguese Lessons, you will receive a comprehensive orientation to your program of study and to student life, including:

  • A group orientation to the Portuguese Program and classes
    Information about São Paulo
  • Safety tips and insurance information

Our Teachers

Português and English Teacher

Language and Tanslation (English – Portuguese / Portuguese – English) graduate since 2013 from Unilasalle (Canoas/RS). Has worked as an English teacher since 2008 and has been part ot It’s Cool team since 2017.

Maria Inez
Portuguese and French Teacher

Language and French literature Graduate. Bachelor of Arts by Unesp. Bachelor´s degree in Languages by PÙC (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) São Paulo.
Has got specialization in Translation, French by USP (University of Sao Paulo) Master degree in French Philosophy by UFSCAR (Federal University of Sao Carlos), SP. Has worked at It´s Cool International since 2000.

Portuguese and English Teacher

Languages and English literature Graduate. Bachelor of Arts by PUC (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) in 1990.
Has got a Certificate of Proficiency from the University of London.
She has been teaching English since 1990 and at It’s Cool International since 2007.

““Not everyone can be really successful at all. But success comes only with determination””

See some reviews

“I’m so happy that I made the choice to study at “It’s Cool Idiomas”. I have learned so much since I first started and I enjoy coming to class everyday. The teachers and staff are very welcoming, friendly, and professional.”

Christine Wipfli
“My name is Guilherme and I currently live in Miami. My son Luca Vega Romanholi is a student at It’s Cool and today I was very impressed with his evolution. We did a facetime of approximately 10 minutes in English and to my surprise, he is speaking fluently. Today I can say, I am very satisfied with the English school that we have chosen for him.
Guilherme Romanholi
Thank you so much to everyone here at It’s Cool, what a great team ! I’ve learned a new language very quickly through effective methods. The teachers are very patient and do their best to help us improve. Fanny Raffin, França Até logo!
Fanny Raffia – França
“Sempre fui muito cético com relação aos benefícios de um curso de inglês. Não que o estudo de uma língua estrangeira não fosse importante mas sempre achei que esse tipo de curso
nunca passasse do “verbo to be”, algumas palavras de vocabulário ou do “the book is on the table”.
Quando minhas filhas, à época com 10 e 13 anos, mostraram interesse em fazer um curso como esse fiquei bastante reticente. Procuramos a It´s cool e decidimos fazer uma experiência.
Dois anos depois posso dizer que valeu muito o investimento. Minhas filhas alcançaram um nível de compreensão que está muito além da expectativa. Suas notas de inglês na
escola são excelentes e posso comprovar o aproveitamento delas quando são expostas ao inglês, falado e escrito.

Sem dúvida, a It´s cool nos surpreendeu . Recomendo a escola sem medo de errar.”

David Lisboa Neto” – Pai das alunas Giulia e Mariana Bonadio Lisboa

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